Career Counselling
Career Counselling
For students and parents or people who wish to make a career change or those who wish to gain greater personal insight of their abilities, traits, and interests.
Considering we spend a third of our lives at work, choosing and changing a career is an important task, but it is also a difficult one.
Great People Inside’s Career Counselling instrument is a reliable scientific assessment that helps you align your aspirations, interests and talents with the career choices which suit you best. It investigates various occupational industries, analyses your interests and preferences, plans your actions, and sets objectives. When combined with support from one of our specialists in career coaches, it will assist you to identify career and education paths according to your unique behavioural traits, way of thinking and occupational interests.
Self-Awareness is the first step in choosing a profession or a career that is related to your interests, aptitudes, and personality traits. This unique instrument will help you decide what best suits you both educationally and professionally, by indicating your percentage level of compatibility with over 500 jobs in the evaluation database.
One thought worth reflecting on is, choosing a career path based entirely on social status or earning power almost always ends in tears. The more objective information you have about yourself, the better you are positioned to make an informed decision and determine what opportunities go hand in hand with your career needs.
Why use our career counselling assessment?
Great People Inside assessments are developed by a team industrial and organisational psychologists, and experts in psychometrics. These assessments are based on a validated and rigorous scientific methodology and the latest generation technology. The tests are continuously developed to ensure maximum precision, reliable prediction and an outstanding user experience.
This instrument is used and recommended by prestigious universities, career counsellors and renowned organisations around the world.
Big five behaviours
Rooted in history the Big Five Model, is the most peer reviewed assessment in the world today. Known also as the Five-Factor Model, it is the most widely accepted personality theory held by psychologists today. The theory states that personality can be summarised to five core factors, known by the acronym CANOE or OCEAN:
The central dimension of personality characterised by assertiveness, gregariousness, friendliness and energetic behaviour.
Personality trait manifesting in behavioural characteristics that allow a person to be perceived as trusting, kind, warm and considerate.
A dimension of personality related to character traits such as thoughtfulness, self-discipline, goal-directed behaviour, being organised and being mindful of details.
Emotional stability
The natural response to positive and negative life experiences. The tendency to be calm, even-tempered and less prone to experience mood swings, anxiety, irritability, sadness.
Openness to experience
Personality trait featuring characteristics such as curiosity, imagination, insight and a preference for variety.
Cognitive Abilities
Working with Words
A set of abilities required to understand and respond adequately with spoken or written words and sentences; to understand and reason using concepts framed in words and express ideas using words in a clearly understandable manner.
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Working with Numbers
Set of abilities required to use numerical data in a logical and rational way; to interpret, analyse and draw logical conclusions based on numerical data presented in graphs and tables. Also includes the understanding or structuring of mathematical problems by handling basic arithmetic, number sequences and simple mathematics or data.
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The ability to evaluate arguments and facts and draw logical conclusions
Occupation Interests
Down-to-earth individuals who enjoy being outdoors, working with their hands or using and operating equipment, tools or machines. Value the natural, concrete, and tangible. Preference for hands-on problems and solutions. Risk-takers and adventurous types who generally dislike social interactions. Can be described as discreet, emotionally stable, genuine, practical, natural, tenacious.
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Inquisitive individuals who enjoy working with ideas, searching for facts and solving problems through careful thinking. They value logic, achievement and knowledge. Rational and intellectual, highly motivated by mentally stimulating environments. Enjoy using logic and solving abstract problems, collecting information and analysing situations and generally dislike persuading others and social interactions. Can be described as introspective, methodical, rigorous, curious, rational.
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Open-minded individuals who enjoy artistic endeavours, creativity, originality and spontaneity. Value beauty, flexible work environments and self-expression.
Preference for variety and independence.
Unconventional, sensitive and emotional types who generally dislike highly ordered or repetitive activities. Can be described as introspective, unconventional, emotional and idealistic, expressive, open-minded, original.
Empathetic individuals who enjoy socialising, helping others and building relationships. They value cooperation, self-respect and freedom. Preference for diversity, personal contact and solving social problems. Strong interpersonal abilities, highly motivated by teamwork - they generally dislike technical or mechanical tasks and activities.Can be described as agreeable, friendly, cooperative, empathetic and helpful, supportive, kind, responsible.
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Goal-oriented individuals who enjoy being in charge, influencing people or situations and making decisions. They value financial success, ambition and risk-taking. Preference for leadership, public speaking, taking risks and competing. Strong decision making skills, self- confidence and ambition, highly motivated by challenging situations and motivating others, they generally dislike scientific or theoretical problems. Can be described as extroverted, tenacious, confident and ambitious, adventurous, optimistic, resourceful, persuasive, and motivational.
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Detail-oriented individuals who enjoy activities that involve organising information and things. They value comfort, precision and accuracy. Preference for office settings, work stability and safe environments, clear routines and instructions. Loyal, thorough and detail-oriented, highly motivated by rules and structured environments, they generally dislike artistic activities or stringent deadlines.
Can be described as conservative, practical and efficient, cautious, traditional, conscientious, organised and methodical.
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Career counselling personality report
This report illustrates your personality, and provides suggestions on possible career pathways, based on your inherent traits and cognitive abilities, which are likely to influence both your performance on the job and your ability to acquire knowledge and skills needed to reach performance.
To assist you in choosing a career fitting to your individual traits, this report provides you information on:
Your personality traits
Differences that make a person unique – influencing values and interests, the perception of the outside world, the approach to learning and continuous development. Personality is partly formed during the first years and continues to evolve according to our experiences.
Your cognitive abilities
The capacity to perform higher mental processes of reasoning, remembering, understanding and problem solving – which when developed, refined and applied in real life contexts determine job performance and training success for a variety of jobs.
Please be aware that this report is purely informative and offers insights on your personality and cognitive abilities, without taking into account other important aspects such as your hobbies and interests. Your interests are part of what motivates you or appeals to you in choosing a career but you need to continuously improve your skills and knowledge to reach professional success.
This report is intended as a useful tool in your career planning, to effectively assist you in making your decisions on finding your dream job and to ensure that your career path is thoroughly documented for an informed decision on what’s best suited and most rewarding based on your inherent traits. By understanding your occupational interests, you will be able to focus on those occupations which will ultimately make you feel passionate, spark your curiosity and make you engaged.
Please be warned that this report is purely informative and offers you insights on your occupational interests only, without taking into account your other traits such as personality, skills or abilities.
career counselling interests report
Your interests are part of what motivates you or appeals to you and choosing a career based on these is an essential component of a meaningful professional life.
This report is based on the theory of careers and vocational choice (based upon personality types) initially developed by American psychologist John L. Holland (1971), whose research 'shows that personalities seek out and flourish in career environments they fit and that jobs and career environments are classifiable by the personalities that flourish in them'. The Holland Codes or the Holland Occupational Themes are labelled by six types: Realistic (Doers), Investigative (Thinkers), Artistic (Creators), Social (Helpers), Enterprising (Persuaders) and Conventional (Organisers).
According to this theory individuals search for and enter work environments that permit them to exercise their skills and abilities, express their attitudes and values, and take on agreeable problems and roles.
Purpose of the report
This report is intended to assist you in:
- Identifying your most important occupational interests, to help you make rewarding decisions about your career;
- Identifying those occupational areas which, in accordance with your inherent traits, will prove rewarding and satisfying in the long term;
- Short-listing occupations or types of occupations that match your interests and help you focus on what you are really interested in;
- Identifying your potential strengths and planning your career development in an informed manner;
- Recognising your personal characteristics and planning your career path accordingly, relative to what interests you;
- Deciding on a starting point for your short-term or long-term career path plan.
As you explore your profile, please keep in mind that it represents your interests at this stage in your life and, just as you will grow and develop, your profile will evolve as you accumulate more experience.