Remote Work – What are seen effects of further shifts in this competitive market?

Remote Work – What are seen effects of further shifts in this competitive market?

After two years of disruption, further shifts in remote work and our lives have emerged. There’s been: the rise of individualism and independence bringing out new confidence to show up as themselves at work. (Fjord Trends 2022) hybrid employment arrangements placing more emphasis on staff being able to work remotely and maintain productivity and service delivery continued challenges to organisations due to Omicron leading to […]

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How do people management skills improve your business success?

How do people management skills improve your business success?

People management skills are one of the essential soft leadership skills a leader should possess. While working from home in some form is accepted will remain after COVID, managing teams remotely has, for the contemporary leader, added the need to develop new skills. Now may be an opportunity for your business to increase focus on this area with employees recognising the value of these skills. […]

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How to reduce conflict in teams

How to reduce conflict in teams

Conflict is a natural form of problem resolution. When something goes wrong in a collaborative environment, the problem needs to be solved. And when emotions get in the way of finding an effective solution, conflict can occur. This is particularly evident in a team environment – where different personality types, communication methods and working styles need to sync to reach collective goals. While it’s normal […]

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The top 5 signs that your team needs team coaching

The top 5 signs that your team needs team coaching

All teams come across different challenges in the workplace. Some of these issues can be resolved with a quick discussion or team meeting, while others can be a little trickier to overcome. Some of these more challenging issues can creep their way into your team’s workflow – damaging productivity and team success. These issues can sometimes act like a virus, going undetected until it’s too […]

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There is a shortage of great talent out there

There is a shortage of great talent out there

How many times have we heard this? Consider for a moment that the issue has more to do with how you are measuring the quality of the talent out there. It’s probable that when you are making hiring decisions you rely on “embellished” resumes, less than truthful candidates at interviews, ineffective reference checks and gut feel or “like”; after all, that’s all you have to […]

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How fear of conflict affects workplace communication

How fear of conflict affects workplace communication

Humans by nature encounter situations in which conflict occurs – it’s an essential ingredient for resolving a problem. In a workplace environment where supervisors, subordinates, external stakeholders, clients and customers are all required to make collective decisions on a regular basis, conflict is bound to arise every once in a while. Conflict occurs in the workplace for many reasons. Perhaps a manager’s feedback isn’t received […]

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The forgotten skill set of good leaders – Coaching

The forgotten skill set of good leaders – Coaching

If I were to ask you what the number one leadership skill is to achieve success, what would your answer be? According to a study which asked 332,860 bosses, peers, and subordinates what skills have the greatest impact on a leader’s success, their top answer was to inspire and motivate others – in other words to coach effectively. According to a 2010 Executive Coaching Survey […]

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To coach or not to coach? How to know when it’s time for coaching in the workplace.

To coach or not to coach? How to know when it’s time for coaching in the workplace.

It’s often assumed that coaching is only required when major problems arise in the workplace. But coaching is actually best utilised before things get really rocky. In fact, coaching is a tool that can both provide great support and challenge thinking to identify possible solutions, and bolster good performance in order to lift potential and reach a higher level of success. A coach can help […]

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The power of coaching for your team

The power of coaching for your team

When you’re in a leadership position, you’re in charge of helping people grow and thrive within your organisation. Leaders who have undergone and experienced great coaching are able to transfer important skills to their own teams and other individuals within their organisation by developing a coaching mindset. By coaching your team you can improve their performance, build their skills and drive engagement. Skills like communication […]

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How can coaching benefit me?

How can coaching benefit me?

“Everyone needs a coach. We all need people who will give us feedback. That’s how we improve,” Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft, in his 2013 TED Talk. Often when we look at highly successful people, we don’t stop to consider what might have gone on behind the scenes to help them get to where they are. Or in fact, who helped them. An athlete wouldn’t […]

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